




Half Fares, Passes & ID Cards


Seniors and persons with disabilities who use Centro’s bus service are encouraged to apply for a Reduced Fare Photo ID, which will save money when riding the bus. Reduced Fare Photo ID’s are accepted on any regular Centro bus – any day of the week and any time of the day. The Reduced Fare Photo ID allows customers to ride the bus for half-fare.

Who is Eligible for Half Fare?


Seniors age 65+ who show the driver either a valid Reduced Fare Photo ID or a combination of a Medicare Card and photo ID upon boarding the bus. Seniors may also purchase a Permanent Centro Reduced Fare Photo ID.

Persons with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities who show the driver either a valid Reduced Fare Photo ID or a combination of a Medicare Card and photo ID upon boarding the bus. Persons with disabilities may also purchase a Temporary Centro Reduced Fare Photo ID, which must be re-certified every 4 years.


Medicare Card Holders

Medicare Card holders who show the driver a combination of a Medicare card and photo ID upon boarding the bus.


Children Ages 6 to 9

Children ages 6 to 9 who are accompanied by a paying Adult.


Where Do I Apply / Obtain An Application?

Reduced Fare Photo ID applications can be downloaded at the link below, or are available at the following Centro office locations:

Download Reduced Fare Photo ID Application (PDF)


Syracuse (Transit Hub)
599 S. Salina, St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Monday - Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM

Utica (Transit Hub)
15 Elizabeth St., Utica, NY 13501
Wednesday: 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM

5 Frank Smith St., Auburn, NY 13021
Monday - Friday: 9 AM to 4 PM
(by appointment only; Call (315) 442-3333 to schedule).

136 Race St., Rome, NY 13440
Monday - Friday: 6 AM to 5:30 PM

512 E. Seneca St., Oswego, NY 13126
Wednesday: 9 AM to 11 AM & 1 PM to 3 PM
(by appointment only; Call (315) 442-3333 to schedule).


How Much Does a Reduced Fare Photo ID Cost?


A $2.00 processing fee (CASH ONLY) is required for a new or renewed Reduced Fare Photo ID card. A replacement fee of $5.00 (CASH ONLY) will be charged for a lost or stolen Reduced Fare Photo ID card.


Customers must visit the Centro office located nearest to them (see above table) to have their photo taken and to submit their completed application. ID cards are produced while you wait, except in Rome (customers must pick up their ID card at a later date when ready). Please call ahead so that we are prepared to assist you.
Note: Current Reduced Fare ID cardholders may renew their ID cards prior to the expiration date, but not more than 6 months in advance.

How Do I Use My Reduced Fare Photo ID?

Upon boarding a Centro bus, show the Driver your Reduced Fare Photo ID and be prepared to deposit half the regular fare into the fare box. For example, if the regular fare is $2.00, you will be required to pay $1.00.
Note: Although the farebox will issue a Change Card for over-payment, Centro encourages customers to pay with exact fare to expedite the boarding process.

How Do I Apply?


Seniors will need both a photo ID and an official document with their birthday on it. Centro accepts any government document displaying a birthday on it, including:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Medicare card
  • Healthcare card
  • Social Security correspondence


Persons with disabilities will need a photo ID and an official document verifying the disability. Centro accepts any documentation clearly indicating that an individual is receiving one or more of the following:

  • Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Compensation or Pension
  • Acces-VR
  • Medicaid Aid to the Disabled (NOTE: Medicaid card will NOT be accepted by itself)



Documents must be on company letterhead, dated within the last six months, and should indicate that the individual is an active client of any one of the following:  
  • AccessCNY
  • Arc (of Onondaga, of Oneida, etc.)
  • ARISE, Inc.
  • Aurora, Inc.
  • Developmental Disabilities Services
  • Independent Living Services
  • Mental Health Association
  • Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)
  • Onondaga County Department of Social Services / JOBSplus!
    Note: Qualifying individuals must contact their Job Coach to determine eligibility and obtain the required documentation.
  • United Cerebral Palsy and its affiliates
  • An accredited treatment or rehabilitation program

A document stating that the individual is legally blind, hearing impaired, or has a physical or mental disability (such as a brief statement from and signed by a physician.)