SY 40 Drumlins - Nob Hill Syracuse

SY 40 Drumlins - Nob Hill - Syracuse - From Hub (02/17/2025)
Route B18 Sarah Loguen Bus Shelter College Place Lancaster Ave & Broad St Drumlins
17657 10121 1683 6027 3715
340 05:40 AM 05:43 AM 05:49 AM 05:54 AM 06:10 AM
340 07:50 AM 07:53 AM 07:59 AM 08:04 AM 08:20 AM
340C --- --- 08:40 AM 08:45 AM 09:00 AM
340C --- --- 09:20 AM 09:25 AM 09:40 AM
340C --- --- 10:00 AM 10:05 AM 10:20 AM
340 11:40 AM 11:43 AM 11:49 AM 11:54 AM 12:10 PM
340 01:20 PM 01:23 PM 01:29 PM 01:34 PM 01:50 PM
340 02:25 PM 02:28 PM 02:34 PM 02:39 PM 02:55 PM
340C --- --- 03:25 PM 03:30 PM 03:45 PM
340 03:45 PM 03:48 PM 03:54 PM 03:59 PM 04:15 PM
340C --- --- 04:05 PM 04:10 PM 04:25 PM
340C --- --- 04:45 PM 04:50 PM 05:05 PM
340 04:50 PM 04:53 PM 04:59 PM 05:04 PM 05:20 PM
340C --- --- 05:25 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM
340 06:25 PM 06:28 PM 06:34 PM 06:39 PM 06:55 PM


Subject: ALERT: SU240 SU Nob Hill

Summary: ALERT: Effective 3/3/25, Centro's SU240 SU Nob Hill buses will no longer pull into Brighton Towers in the outbound direction. Call 315-442-3400 for details.

Detail: ALERT: Effective 3/3/25, Centro's SU240 SU Nob Hill buses will no longer pull into Brighton Towers in the outbound direction. Call 315-442-3400 for details.

Priority: High

Subject: Presidents' Day Service Schedule

Summary: On Monday, February 17, 2025 (Presidents' Day), all Centro buses will be operating on a REGULAR WEEKDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE.

Detail: On Monday, February 17, 2025 (Presidents' Day), all Centro buses will be operating on a REGULAR WEEKDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE.

Priority: High


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200 Cortland Ave
Syracuse, NY 13205-0820

Copyright © 2025, Central New York Regional Transportation Authority (Centro)