Call-A-Bus is Centro's paratransit program that provides coordinated ride-sharing transportation for people with disabilities who are unable to ride Centro transit buses due to their disability.
Call-A-Bus is a complementary service, meaning it matches the service area and operation hours of Centro's transit bus system, and is provided under the criteria set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
As an origin-to-destination service, Call-A-Bus routinely provides curb-to-curb service with exterior door-to-exterior door service provided upon advanced notice.
Dial-A-Ride is now Call-A-Bus. For more information about the differences between these two programs and how this may impact your service check out our Dial-A-Ride vs. Call-A-Bus page.
Information, Cancellations, & After-hours: (315) 442-3434
Reservations & Confirmations: (315) 442-3420
Call-A-Bus service is available in the same area covered by Centro transit bus routes and extends beyond the area of each bus route by a 3/4 mile radius.
Call-A-Bus service is available in Onondaga, Oswego, Cayuga, and Oneida counties and serves the cities of Syracuse, Oswego, Fulton, Auburn, Rome and Utica.
Bus fares for Call-A-Bus customers are as follows:
Service Area | Fare |
Syracuse | $2.00 |
Auburn | $2.00 |
Oswego | $2.00 |
Utica | $2.00 |
Rome | $2.00 |
Some Call-A-Bus trips may require additional fare. During the trip request process, the Call-A-Bus Transportation Coordinator will provide you with the exact fare amount required for your trip.
For more information about Call-A-Bus Ride Passes visit our Fares & Passes page.
To qualify for Call-A-Bus service, you must have a disability that prevents you from traveling on Centro transit buses.
Your approval for Call-A-Bus service does not guarantee your ability to use the service in all cases. For some, your eligibility may be conditional or temporary.
To apply for Call-A-Bus service, you must complete a Call-A-Bus application. Part 1 of the application must be completed by the customer, while Part 2 will be completed by a healthcare professional of your choice. Click to Apply Online, or to request an application, call (315) 442-3400 or download a copy from our website.
Submit completed applications to:
Central New York Regional Transportation Authority (Centro)
200 Cortland Ave, P.O. Box 820
Syracuse, NY 13205-0820
The application process and registration may take up to 21 calendar days to complete. The Call-A-Bus office will notify you of your eligibility.
If a decision is not made within the 21-day period, you will be provided Call-A-Bus service until a determination is made and you have received notification of the results.
Accessible formats available, such as large print and braille are available upon request.
Please contact our Customer Service
Call Center to make your request.